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Social Prescriber Team Lead at AWC Modality Partnership, UK

Claire-Marie Jackson

Claire-Marie Jackson, Social Prescribing, UK

Hello, I’m Claire-Marie Jackson. I am the Social Prescriber Team Lead at Modality Partnership in North and West Yorkshire, managing a dynamic team of dedicated Social Prescribers providing a range of support across the region.

Claire-Marie Jackson, Social Prescribing, UK

What is a Social Prescriber?

Social Prescribing is about nurturing individuals to thrive and live their best quality of life possible using community based assets with a focus on what is important to the individual.

Social Prescribers or Social Prescribing Link Workers are available at your GP surgery and are embedded within the community, proactively supporting people of all ages with a diverse range of issues that impact people’s health and wellbeing, also known as the wider determinants of health. 

Social Prescribing addresses the root causes of problems by tackling underlying social, emotional and practical issues, ensuring people receive the most relevant and effective support that is available in the quickest possible time.

This holistic approach starts with a conversation.

Using the personalised care approach, a Social Prescriber can take the time to listen, understand unique challenges, navigate the choices available and offer signposting or ongoing support to achieve better health and wellbeing outcomes. Social Prescribers empower people to think beyond medication for a happier healthier life.

What Does a Social Prescriber Do?

Think of Social Prescribers as your personal guides to health and well-being within the NHS and community support networks. They are non-judgemental and come from diverse backgrounds and life experiences. They are sometimes referred to as Social Prescribing Link Workers, Navigators, Health Coaches and Community Connectors.

These friendly experts don’t just provide advice, they offer supported self-management and connect you to resources and opportunities that can improve your overall health and happiness. They will:

  • Reach out to you following your self-referral enquiry.
  • Listen actively to your concerns and understand what matters most to you.
  • Provide tailored information, advice and choices on relevant services and activities.
  • Help you plan and connect with health care providers and community groups, social activities, practical resources, or additional support systems.

Social Prescribing Services

Life can sometimes be difficult – unexpected challenges and big changes can leave us feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and facing financial strain. Common issues like loneliness, debt, housing concerns, and caring for loved ones, while prevalent, can’t be solved by medication alone. However, their impact on our mental and physical health is undeniable. Social Prescribing can step in with a range of non-medical support and activities, empowering individuals to navigate these difficulties and ultimately improve their overall health and well-being.

No matter your background or situation, Social Prescribers are there to empower you to live your best life. So, if you’re looking for support to manage stress, improve your mood, or connect with your community, reach out to a NHS Social Prescriber today via your GP surgery.

Social Prescribing, AWC Modality Partnership

Claire-Marie Jackson

Social Prescriber Team Lead at AWC Modality Partnership in Yorkshire, UK. You can connect with me below.
